Body2Mental Performance
Body2Mental Performance
Coaching can also fulfill an essential role in the recovery process from psychological problems like a depression, burn-out or bore-out. These problems can originate in a disturbance of performance or a stagnation in further development.
These problems can be prevented or treated by one-on-one coaching, which makes it possible to create structure and overview. This enables the client to get a clearer overview of the personal and social environment.
In the Body2Last Body2Mental Performance program, exercise is applied from a basic to an advanced level. These exercises improve the physical condition, the self-confidence and the trust in your own qualities and expertise, as a stepping stone to accomplishing the personal potential.
This way of coaching helps reduce stress levels during daily social assignments and challenges and enables you to grow to self-awareness of the personal capacities.
Supervision packages
Course training basic
Course training advanced
Course training premium
Training by the hour